REFERENCES – By type of clients


         The diversity of our references is a testament of our continuous and total commitment to the success of our clients’ projects.

            European Institutions
Ongoing:  European Commission – DG Employment – Framework contract 2011 - 2015 (between 40 – 8000 part in all Europe)
                European Commission – DG REGIO – Framework contract 2013 in partnership with APPLICA

2015     High Level Conference - A new start for Social Dialogue, Brussels (450 part.)
2014     Several conferences and gatherings in Hungary and Italy under the Presidencies of the European Council

2014     Annual Convention of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion, Brussels (600 part)
2013     Several conferences and gatherings in Dublin and Vilnius under the Irish and Lithuanian Presidency of the European Council

2013     DG REGIO – 11th European Week of Regions and Cities - Framework contract in partnership with MOSTRA
2012     Several conferences and gatherings in Cyprus under the Cypriotic Presidency of the European Council

2012     Jobs for Europe - Employment Policy Conference
2011     NATO, The new Challenges on global security, Brussels
2010     Opening event of the European Institute for Gender Equality, Vilnius
2008     European Parliament, DG DEV and UN : 60 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights International Organisations

             Federal & Regional Authorities
2013     Brussels Government –Conseil informel des Ministres Européens du Logement

2012     Walloon Government – Cérémonie d’installation des Bourgmestres de la Région Wallonne
2011     Belgian, Dutch and French Ministry of Employment, Seminar on Nanomaterials

             International Associations
2015     EIGA Winter Session and Training Course

2014     EIGA Winter Session and Workshop
2012     CESI Congress and General Assembly
2012     First European Symposium on Family Assistants
2011     IEEE, International Congress on Image Processing
2010     CIAA - Confederation of the food and drink industries of the EU (FoodDrinkEurope)

2015     MedTech Forum, La Hulpe (550 part.)
2013     Data News Awards for Excellence 2013
2011     Albermarle Board of Directors Meeting
2011     Windvision – Inauguration of the Windfarm in Estinnes

2011     HEB and KHK - ENSACT Conference
2011     VUB and UCL – ICIP Congress (Best International Congress of the Year – Visit Brussels Award Winner 2012)
2010     ADISIF – Diploma’s Ceremony for Engineers